If there is one thing you should invest in, it's a great watering can. As much time as you spend with your plants this gets you the most bang for your buck. A 100 dollar pair of shears gets pulled out only a 2 times a year. The watering can gets used daily. It's funny where people spend their money. For years I always bought the cheap zip lock baggies saving a dollar here or there. It took me years to realize that for one extra dollar I could have saved myself an hour of cleanup and a stinky refrigerator. In the same sense, you can't go wrong with a good watering can. When I first started, I picked a cheap $5 can, without understanding the importance of it. It didn't even have a sprinkler spout, the water came out too fast, and made the daily task difficult. It began to make the experience I had with bonsai become a negative one. I luckily realised this quickly, and began looking online for some alternatives. At first I was shocked to realize the cost of a good watering can. I couldn't justify the 80 bucks, so I opted for a slightly more economical (cheaper) version, and I'm really happy with it. I've learned that the watering experience is where you spend most of the time with your trees, so you should make it the best experience as possible. I also advise getting one of with a spouts that make turn it from one stream to a bunch of little rain drops. Here is my little watering can. Makes me very happy, although I'm looking for an upgrade. ;)